Contrary to popular belief, a personal auto insurance policy will not cover vehicles if they're being used for business purposes. Commercial truck insurance works to keep your business safe in the event of an accident. This sort of commercial insurance protects your business' assets in the event of an accident.
While accidents can happen anywhere, this kind of insurance is especially useful in areas that see heavy winters. A loaded tractor-trailer, for instance, needs 20-40% farther to stop than a standard car, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. This discrepancy is even greater on wet or slippery roads, or with poorly maintained brakes, and can easily lead to a crash.
What Is It?
Commercial insurance is for covering the vehicles used in any stage of conducting your business activities. It is a type of auto insurance designed to protect commercial vehicles and the business using them in the event of an accident.
What Does It Do?
Commercial truck insurance has many benefits for a business, including protecting against damages caused by yourself or an employee, protecting against physical damages to your vehicles, offsetting medical bills and other expenses incurred in crashes, and even protecting against damage done to vehicles that are not on your policy.
Why Do I Need It?
Whether your business owns and operates its vehicles, or you're using vehicles primarily to transact business, having insurance for your commercial vehicles will help keep your business safe in the event of the unforeseen. Bills for crash damage repairs and the potential of a lawsuit will put a strain on any business, so keeping yourself covered with liability insurance is a great way to reduce your chances of lawsuits and ending up on the hook for medical expenses.
The Bottom Line
Commercial truck insurance is a must for any serious business, especially in today's economy. Rather than risk your business' financial future, invest in quality insurance for your business transportation needs as soon as you can. Commercial insurance such as this works to protect your business' assets in the event of an accident, be it a serious crash or a simple fender-bender.
This kind of insurance is especially important in areas that see heavy winters and road icing. While accidents can happen anywhere, weather conditions such as snow and ice can make them more likely. Wherever you live, be sure to protect your business from every angle with good quality commercial truck insurance. Call us today for details on how to to make sure your commercial vehicles are covered!