Commercial auto insurance typically offers higher liability and damage levels. There are a range of things a commercial auto insurance plan can cover.

What Does Commercial Auto Insurance Cover?
Commercial auto insurance is essential for any business that wants to protect its property and reduce its liability. Commercial vehicles spend a lot of time on the road, resulting in a much higher probability of an accident. About a quarter of commercial truck accidents are attributed to driver mistakes.
Commercial auto insurance typically offers higher liability and damage levels. There are a range of things a commercial auto insurance plan can cover.
Any vehicle owned by a business should use commercial coverage. Commercial vehicles are up to four times more likely to be involved in an accident. A good policy will provide comprehensive coverage that will cover repairs, medical costs, and more.
Additionally, the coverage may protect against accidents with uninsured motorists. This can be a very important part of the coverage. Without uninsured motorist coverage, if your business-owned vehicle is damaged by an uninsured motorist, the cost may have to come out of your pocket.
Vandalism and Theft
Commercial vehicles are five times more likely to be vandalized when compared to private vehicles. The right insurance plan will provide vandalism and theft coverage. Protecting your investment with the right coverage is a cost-saving measure. It can be very expensive to make repairs after a vehicle has been vandalized, especially when expensive parts have been stolen.
Commercial vehicles are also often stolen and never recovered. Good insurance coverage will make sure you can replace your vehicle if it is stolen with minimal out-of-pocket expenses. Most plans will have a deductible that has to be met before benefits are paid.
Full Comprehensive Coverage
If you opt for full comprehensive coverage, that means that your commercial vehicles will have the premium coverage that helps to keep costs down and protection up. Comprehensive plans offer coverage for a wide range of damage, theft, fire, vandalism, accidents, and more. It is the most protective of plans.
This type of insurance offers flexibility. You can choose your level of coverage, your deductible, and the coverage features that are most important to your business. Connecting with a commercial insurance provider is the best way to learn more about your options and to choose the coverage plan that best fits your needs.